Vlc Media Player For Mac App Store Offline.This video helps you to download and install VLC Media Player which supports following devices and OS:Macbook pro, iMac, macbook air, macbook, macbook retin. VLC media player, free download by VideoLAN. One-click download for installing VLC-media-player.exe. VLC, the popular cross-platform media player which lets you watch AVI videos on your iPhone and iPad without conversion (as well as other non-iOS-friendly media types), is back in the App Store following a long-standing licensing dispute. On a Mac, select VLC from the menu bar and then Preferences. To do this, select the Tools menu tab and select Preferences. It's a good idea to configure VLC to automatically save and reload your media library every time the program is started. VLC is available for all operating system, desktop, mobiles or TVs.
Use the desktop version instead! ⚠⚠ VLC media player is a portable, free and open-source, cross-platform media player and streaming media server written by the VideoLAN project.